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 by Veronica Roth
The next day, Beatrice departs in the bus with others to the Hub. It is the day of the Choosing Ceremony. She still isn’t sure how she is going to choose.

On their way up the Hub, her father gives up their turn up the elevator to others. He then escorts his family up the stairs. As other Abnegations follow their lead, Beatrice climbs the stairs and questions if she wants to remain a part of this selfless faction.  

Once in the circular room where the Choosing Ceremony will take place, Beatrice finds her place besides her brother. The ceremony will be led by the Abnegations this year and it will be conducted by Marcus. Each sixteen-year old will be called upon alphabetically. Once their name is read, they must approach giant bowls that each stand for a faction. They must cut themselves so that they bleed a bit and then drop their blood in the bowl of the faction they choose to join.  

Before the ceremony begins, Beatrice gets a reassuring hug from her mom. While they all seem to know that Caleb will remain as Abnegation, Beatrice’s family doesn’t seem so secure with what Beatrice will choose. 

Marcus begins the ceremony with a brief history on the factions. The factions, as Marcus puts it, were created to help get rid of the negative human characteristics that led humanity down the wrong path. Each faction focused on eliminating one negative aspect of humanity. The Abnegations, for example, sought to rid the world of selfishness. The factions each draw upon their strengths to help each other within their society.  

While the ceremony moves forward, Beatrice becomes more and more overcome with nervousness and apprehension. The first boy to switch factions causes a small ruckus within the crowd. Beatrice describes how he will have a bad reputation among his people now and how his family will disregard him on Visiting Day because of his traitor-like status.  

Before long, it is Caleb’s turn. Beatrice and the crowd-alike are stunned when Caleb chooses to become Erudite. The one person who she was sure would stay with his faction has turned his back to his people.  

Next, it’s Beatrice’s turn. As she walks up the bowls, she envisions herself as an Abnegation for the rest of her life. She then glances over at Caleb who gives her a reassuring nod. Since her brother has proved himself a traitor, she is sure that she will choose the correct path and remain Abnegation. She, however, allows her blood to spill over the Dauntless’ bowl.  

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